Category: Uncategorized
There is a noon meeting at traditions and unity group on Tuesday and 7 am at the henagar location
New webadmin
As of 2024-01-25, Ownership of the domain name has been transferred to an AA who lives in area 1 district 3. Web admin contact:
Meeting schedule update 2022-09-11
The meeting schedule pdf has been updated: Also, the new ‘ meeting guide app ‘ pages have been updated with the same D3 meeting info: Note, the ‘Meeting Guide App’ has not yet updated the phone app with our meeting list. I’ve resubmitted our request to be added again today for the 2nd…
Adding our meetings to AA’s Meeting Guide App
From: aaarea1dist3 web admin, To: AA Area 1 District 3 Website back-end work to add AA Area1 Dist3’s meetings to the AA Meeting Guide App has been completed. I am just waiting to hear back from ‘aa meeting guide app developers’ that they’re in receipt of our info. The hope it they will then…